The Process for Synthetic Grass Installation

Ditch the yard work and maintenance with a newly installed synthetic lawn that you can set up yourself or leave to the pros for the best results. Here’s what to expect when installing artificial turf…

Tired of weekends spent mowing, weeding, and tending to your lawn? Ever found yourself muttering under your breath how you wish you could just carpet your garden instead? Looking to work less but enjoy your lawn more?

You actually can with synthetic grass.

Artificial turf can give your yard the look of natural grass with a fraction of the maintenance. But for a long-lasting lawn made of synthetic grass, you still have to make sure it is installed properly. One option for this is to have your turf installed by a professional service to ensure everything is level, draining properly, and ready to last.

But if you are looking for a DIY project or have a smaller garden to tackle, you can certainly try to install your synthetic grass yourself. Read on to learn everything you need to know about synthetic grass installation.

Supply list for your artificial turf project

You don’t want to get started without having the right supplies on hand. Of course, you’ll need to order your synthetic turf, but you’ll also need tools to get the prep work and installation done. Here’s a checklist for you to use:

  • Rake
  • Shovel
  • Utility Knife
  • Broom
  • Gloves
  • Measuring Tape
  • Joining Tape
  • Turf Pegs
  • Sand or crushed rock

Looking to learn more about your DIY grass options? Check out over 20 types of DIY artificial grass here

Before getting started: Prepping for your synthetic grass

Proper prep work is perhaps the most important part of the installation process, and it happens before you lay down one section of turf. You can’t lay synthetic grass overtop of real grass, so you’ll need to remove all of your existing grass from the area you have in mind.

What’s more, you’ll need to clear the ground of debris including rocks, sticks, and build up. Giving the artificial grass a clear, level space will set you up for success and the steps needed for installation.

A how-to guide for synthetic grass installation

Now that the surface is ready and you have your tools, you can start with the installation process. Let’s take a closer look at the different steps you can take (or that a professional service can help you with).

Step #1: Dig and compact ground

The cleared land is ready to be prepared for the installation. But dirt and soil can move over time if not tamped down properly.

You’ll want to dig out at least 70mm depth for the turf to sit within so it is not higher than the other parts of your garden. Once done, you will need to compact the surface as much as possible so that the turf has a firm, level area to rest on.

Step #2: Spread aggregate base

Proper drainage is also important, which you can achieve in part by leveling the ground. Also critical for this is laying down a quality aggregate such as sand or crushed rocks. Just be sure to rake or sweep the sub layer to be as level as possible since your turf will lay on top of it,

Step #3: Lay out turf

Turf comes in rolls that can be easily laid in place and rolled out into position, similar to an area rug. Take care to lay each strip or section next to one another so that there are no gaps in the seams between them. They should also be put down in the same direction.

Step #4: Secure the turf

To keep the turf from lifting up during high winds or shifting in place, you will need to secure synthetic grass during installation. To do this, you can use joining tape along the seams to join them together. You can also use turf pegs to pin down the edges or sections as needed.

Step #5: Cut to fit

You will want to wait until the very end to trim the turf. This is because as you are laying it out and securing it, it will tend to shift around a little. Trimming before you are done could leave to gaps or ill-fitting turf in the end. The good news is that synthetic grass is easy to trim to fit once you are ready using a utility knife.

Step #6: Fill in with sand

Some types of artificial grass use fill sand to further secure the turf while also helping with water drainage and a natural look. The turf you buy should come with instructions for this, as applicable, as well as a recommendation for which sand to use.

Congrats! You’ve just installed your own stylish, low-maintenance synthetic grass. But how long will it last for? Find your artificial grass timeline here.

Why professional synthetic grass installation is worthwhile

While these installation steps are fairly straightforward, they can take quite a bit of time and talent to execute properly. And if you have a large garden, the time it will take to clear, level, prep, lay, and secure all of the turf to cover it completely will add up, and fast.

Choosing a professional installation can go a long way in making sure that your turf is properly put in place. Most installs only take one to two days to complete since the professional services are able to right size the amount of manpower and equipment needed to expedite an installation project. They’ll also be experts at properly measuring for a perfect fit and have access to discounted or bulk materials including sand and crushed rock.

Choose Ecolawns for your synthetic grass install in Sydney

DIY lawns are certainly possible when it comes to artificial turf, but bigger gardens and homeowners who simply don’t have the time or tools can find themselves floundering for many a weekend. That’s why going with a professional service is a great way to get the turf you want in the time you need.

At Ecolawns, we offer over 20 varieties of synthetic grass and all of the supplies you and our team need for a great final product. We also back our products and our installs with up to a 7-year warranty. What’s more, think of all the time you’ll save on lawn care plus expenses in fertiliser, watering, and more.

We’re an Australian-owned business that offers the best Australian-made synthetic grass. Your Ecolawn grass will stay green for years to come with little effort after installation. To learn more, contact us on (02) 8488 7267 or request a fast free quote online.

Synthetic Grass Sydney:
Free Lawn Consultation (Valued at $195)

Wondering if Artificial Turf is right for your home or business or sporting surface? Get in touch today and one of our friendly staff will arrange a free consultation.